Maintaining movement of some kind during this time of self-isolation is essential to feel our best both physically & emotionally.

With everyone asked to stay home, many are left without access to fitness classes, trainers, or equipment. With these obstacles we need to get creative & get back to basics. We asked our Kinesiologist Nancy Munn for her recommendations on moving our bodies safely in the comfort of our own home.  

women working out



• Exercises should be performed at a comfortable level (not causing fatigue)

• There are some good exercises online, but there are also some that should not be attempted by…well…most of us (listen to what works for your body)

• Exercise should not hurt (no increase in pain & most importantly no new pain)

• If you have a health condition (for example, heart condition, high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.) ask for advice before trying something new.

• We tend to hold our breath when stressed, when trying something new or intensely concentrating on a task. The most important thing is to BREATHE.

two ladies gardening



1. Go for a walk outside & remember to maintain 6’ (2 meters) distance from others. Getting outside is remarkable for not only your body but your mind. It is amazing what a little fresh air and sunshine can do for you. Do not forget when you return home, wash your hands.


2. Dance like no one is watching! Put some music on and walk around the house (or do a seated march) or dance (standing or seated, whichever is more comfortable/safer for you). Music can make simple moments more fun.


3. Keeping your legs strong is important. You can do sit-to-stands or if that is too difficult/causes knee pain, do seated leg extensions (straighten and bend the knee).          


4. Keep your arms strong. You can try push-ups against the wall or pressing both hands together while you breathe out. You can also use canned food as a weight and lift those as you would free-weights in a gym setting (make sure the cans match and are the same weight for safety reasons).   


5. Try not to sit still all day. Take frequent breaks from reading/watching tv/puzzles/computer time & MOVE your body. Try to get up at least every half hour & move, do a few shoulder rolls, take deep breaths & stretch.

women doing yoga



It is important to CELEBRATE the little things, a nice walk, moving in your living room, doing some stretching, making or receiving a delicious meal or the simple joy of a warm cup of tea or a phone call with a friend.

We are in this together! Thank you from the team at Luther Village for staying home. It is not easy, but it is working.